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Detail & Sill/Drip Profile Moulding

Detail & Sill
Drip Moulding Profiles

Shed Water, Add Architectural Detail

Sill/Drip profiles can be used as a brick ledge or water table to separate two different material veneers. These profiles also offer architectural detail and assist with water management around doors, windows and cladding.

Detail profiles are versatile profiles that may be used as a base shoe, inside corner moulding or to cover any veneer juncture/joint. They can also be used as detailed accents in larger build-outs above windows, doors or along the rake of a roof line.


Enjoy the beauty and benefits of the Detail & Sill/Drip Profiles:

  • Stands up to harsh weather
  • Resists stains, scratches, and fading
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Resists mold, mildew, and moisture damage
  • No cupping, rotting, or splitting
  • Suitable for ground contact applications
  • UV protection inside and out
  • Does not require paint for protection, but easily accepts paint
  • Same color, look, and feel as AZEK Trim
  • Covered by a Lifetime Limited Warranty
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AZEK’s Sill profiles shed water and offer architectural detail.

Water Management Drip Edge Round Icon with Text
Drip Cap

Drip Cap AZM–197

Length: 16′
Historic Sill

Historic Sill AZM–6930

Length: 16′
Large Historic Sill

Large Sill Nose AZM–7979

Length: 16′
Sub Sill Nose

Sub Sill Nose AZM–6933

Length: 16′
Window Sill Nose

Window Sill Nose AZM–7974

LeWngth: 12′
Large Historic Sill

Large Historic Sill AZM–7958

Length: 16′
Water Table

Water Table AZM–6935

Length: 18′
Quarter Round

Quarter Round AZM–105

Length: 16′

Scotia AZM–93

Length: 16′

Sill AZM–948

Length: 16′
Nose Cove

Nose Cove AZM–7480

Length: 16′
Sill Nose

Sill Nose AZM–937

Length: 16′

Installation Help

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of fasteners can I use with AZEK® Moulding?

You will want to use the same fasteners you would use for installing wood trim and siding. They should be stainless steel or hot dipped galvanized and long enough to penetrate the substrate a minimum of 1-1/2”. For best results, use fasteners designed for wood trim and wood siding.

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How do I clean my AZEK® Moulding?

Depending on degree of cleaning needed, power wash or hose loose dirt off of the moulding. If using a power washer, be sure to test the pressure setting and nozzle first to ensure that the surface of the moulding will not be damaged. Other cleaning methods include using a soft cloth and a mixture of mild detergent.

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